Mother's Day
To all
mothers and mothers to be...Happy Mother's Day ! ! !
It is said
that the first Mother's Day celebrations occurred in ancient
Greece to honor Rhea, the mother of the ancient Greek gods.
Mother's Day is celebrated throughout the whole world. In Brazil,
mother's day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. It is
a very important and special date to gather family together and
have lunch with our mothers, buy them flowers, cards and presents. |
the date people celebrate Mother's Day may differ from country
to country, the spirit of this special date remains the same:
to honor with love and gratitude the person who gave us birth
and worked hard to make us become what we are now. |
Thank you mom, for all you have done for me.
"Unchained Melody", "I only have eyes for you"
and I'll always love you" medley. |