The golden-rod is yellow;
The corn is turning brown;
The trees in apple orchards
With fruit are bearing down..."
Helen Hunt Jackson -
is my collection of Fall Adoptions 2002. If you want to adopt
them too, please click on the certificates at the bottom of the
page and you will be taken to the sites were you can request
them. Thank you !
page was created on: September 14th 2002.
Last updated on: August 30th 2005.
note that if a link doesn't work, it means that the site has
moved or is not on line anymore. I try to keep links updated
when possible.
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site is closed.
site is closed.
in this site is Public Domain. Graphics are copyrighted by various
artists and are used with permission.
Please, click on the links above to visit the websites were you
can download the graphics from. Do NOT take anything from my
pages, please.