good book, in the language of the book-sellers,
is a salable one; in that of the curious, a scarce one;
in that of men of sense, a useful and instructive one."
- Oswald
Chambers -
"There is no frigate like a book to take us lands away
nor any coursers like a page of prancing poetry."
Emily Dickinson -
"If a book comes from the heart
it will contrive to reach other hearts."
Thomas Carlyle -
"Read as you taste fruit or savor wine,
or enjoy friendship, love or life."
Holbrook Jackson - |
to my Reading Corner!
selected a few interesting things for my friends to read and
There are poems, tales, fables, nursery rhymes, children songs,
quotes etc. |
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have others inside. When you finish exploring one part, click
on the "Back to the Reading Corner" link to
return to this menu. This corner has over 50 pages.
you want to explore another corner of my web home, click on "Site
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Enjoy reading! |
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page was created on: January 26, 2002.
updated on: July 10, 2008.
midi Schumann's "Träumerei" (Rêverie), from
Classical Archives.
~ Graphics by Lalla (http://www.cuteprintsforyou.com) ~ Graphics by Irene ~
Poem on this page from Ongoing