* Irene's Country Corner * - My Birthday


Make a wish on your birthday

"Make a wish and give it wings
Dream of bright and beautiful things
Dance through all the fun filled hours
Don't forget to smell the flowers
Share some love and birthday cake
All life joys are yours to take
And when evening comes to view
Thanks your lucky stars you're you".
© Olli. Not for download from my site. Please, visit Country Patch Collection if you want to download this graphic. Thank you !


I was born on July 3
My Zodiac sign is Cancer and I am a Pig in the Chinese horoscope.
July's birthstone is ruby and its flower is the larkspur.
A few things I like:
Photography, Internet, painting, webdesign, music, poetry ...
Favorite color: blue
Favorite flower: pansy
Favorite season: fall
Favorite drink: water
Favorite food: potatoes and chocolate
Things I collect: teddy bears, dolls, figurines, Holly Hobbie, books
(Joan Walsh Anglund, Holly Hobbie, Mary Engelbreit, Becky Kelly).
I love: my son, my family, my pets, my friends

© Olli. Not for download from my site. Please, visit Country Patch Collection if you want to download this graphic. Thank you !

© Olli. Not for download from my site. Please, visit Country Patch Collection if you want to download this graphic. Thank you !

 "Birthdays give us the opportunities to stop and appreciate, all the beautiful things we have been blessed with. "

I thank God for my son, my family, my friends and for another blessed year. I couldn't ask for anything better for my birthday.

 Thank you all my dear Internet friends for your friendship, your emails, cards and kind words. Thank you my friends for simply being my friends. :)

Thank you Lu, Wanda Lúcia, Annette, Anne, Karin, Iara, Bente and Elizabeth for the lovely cards and gifts. Thank you Svanita, Therese, Cherye, Karin and Joanus for your kind emails and e-cards. Thank you Karin and Svanita for the special birthday pages. Please, click
HERE to see the beautiful page Karin made for my birthday. Thank you friends!!! *Ü*

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