é você, meu professor amigo
que me comprende, me estimula,
me comunica e me enriquece com
sua presença, seu saber e sua ternura.
serei sempre um seu discípulo
na escola da vida."
- N.Maccari
all my teachers from Elza Campos School, where I studied from
1975 to 1984, Impacto School (1985-1987), UFRJ University, where
I studied Music (1988-1991), UERJ University, where I studied
Language and Literature (1990-1994), and also to all the teachers
from the institutions where I studied Piano, English, French,
Italian and German, my deepest appreciation for your hard work.
I would not know what I know today if it wasn't for you.
you for being my teachers! Thank you for being my friends !
professores !
Elza Campos - 1976 |