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This set contains 139 graphics that must be used as is, plus one banner and one button for you to add your own text to. You can download this entire set in zip file at the bottom of the page.

In order to make the page download faster, I have split this set in two pages.





















These are the ONLY two graphics on this set that you can add your own text to.
Estes são os dois ÚNICOS gráfico nos quais você pode colocar seu próprio texto.
Ceux-ci sont les SEULS graphiques sur lequels vous pouvez écrire un texte.

Font: Tempus Sans ITC
Color: #000000

You can add text to the banner below and use it in your Halloween pages. 

Você pode colocar texto no banner abaixo e usá-lo em suas páginas. 




Please, be sure to keep the actual size of the graphics if using them as trailing cursors. Do not alter these values when placing the graphics in your HTML document. 

Width: 60
Height: 52

Width: 40
Height: 39

Width: 33
Height: 27

Width: 49
Height: 54

Width: 40
Height: 55

Width: 40
Height: 55

Width: 46
Height: 15







Width: 63
Height: 53

Width: 50
Height: 42

Width: 43
Height: 36

Width: 63
Height: 53

Width: 50
Height: 42

Width: 43

Width: 11
Height: 12

Width: 20
Height: 11




Counter digits


Download this entire set in a zip file by clicking HERE.





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This set was created on October 4th, 2001.

~ Please, do not forget to respect and follow my terms of use if you use these graphics. Thank you. ~ 

~ Copyright © 2000-2002 Irene Mendes. All rights reserved. My work is not public domain. ~