Please, link back to



Please, remember to read and follow my terms of use before downloading the graphics.
Thank you !


This set has a total of 58 graphics that must be used as is, plus one blank card,
one blank button and one quilt piece for you to add your own text to. Total: 61 images.
You can download this entire set in a zip file at the bottom of the page.


These graphics are NOT public domain.
A link back to is required.
Please, do NOT alter, copy or use them to create other graphics, templates, stationery, PPS and others. Please, remember to link back to my site when using them.
Please, read the
Terms of Use for information about the use of the graphics.
Thank you!

Estes gráficos NÃO são de domínio público.
Um link de volta para é necessário.
Por favor, não os modifique de forma alguma, quer seja trocar cores, texto, adicionar brilhos etc, não os copie ou use-os para criar outros gráficos, templates, incredimail stationery, arquivos PPS e outros. Lembre-se de fazer um link de volta para meu site ao utilizá-los.
Por favor, leia as
Regras de Uso para informações sobre o que pode ou não se feito. Obrigada!








Text graphic



Miscellaneous images




Guest Book and Email Images



The graphics below are the ONLY graphics on this set that you can add your own text to.
Please, do not alter them (resize, recolor etc), just write your own text. Thank you !

Os gráficos abaixo são os ÚNICOS gráficos deste set nos quais você pode escrever texto.
Por favor, não os modifique (altere tamanho, cores etc), apenas escreva texto. Obrigada!




You can add your own text to the button below.

Font used: CluffHmkBold




You can add your own text to this card below.




You can add your own text to this quilt piece below.









































Click HERE to download this entire set in a zip file.



Please, use the logo above or make a text link back to


 This set was created on February 8th, 2006.
All material in this site is copyrighted and may not be reproduced, altered, copied, redistributed or resold in any way.
The download of these graphics constitutes acceptance to the
Terms of Use. Please, click HERE to read them. Thank you !